Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Harris Ranch Neighborhood Assn Meeting

The Harris Ranch Neighborhood Association is meeting this week at the Mill District Community Center on Thursday, September 10th at 6:30PM.

Agenda items include:
Traffic on Warm Springs and the cut-off
New board members selection in October
Intersection of Sawmill Way and Mill Site Ave
Overgrown weeds fronting Warm Springs and Golden Dawn

And a farewell to Lyn Keefer who is leaving the area. He served the community as HRNA president for over two years and as a board member of the Homeowners Association.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Graffiti Update

The Boise police graffiti unit took pictures of the damage to compare with other incidents. One officer said that the tags on the building were known to them. If they know the person they aren't sharing the information with anyone.

I've also been unable to confirm a report that a juvenile was arrested in early June and confessed to tagging the water tank, the abandoned mill building by the dam and possibly HR property. All details are unavailable due to the age of the person.

It should be only a matter of time before we have an ID on the videotaped tagger and can press charges.

After the taggers start using wash-off paint I'll agree that graffiti is an example of creative artistic expression. Till then it's vandalism.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Graffiti Makes News

After another incident earlier this month the HROA board asked the Boise Police if they could step up the investigation. Repainting the damaged areas has already cost several thousand dollars.

AMI provided a clip from the surveillance camera and this week the police department's Crime Stoppers headlined the incident and several TV stations had stories asking for imformation. Here's a link to one article: http://www.2news.tv/news/local/55400547.html